
OK, better update this bad boy….

What is this blog and why am I doing it?

I figured it would be a great way to provide friends and family with my travel stories, trying to make you jealous (kidding!) so you will all comes and join me in my travels! 😉

Why is it called Lise’s Lounge?

Well my big move out of my Church Street Palace after about 6 years was a big change for me. And being the sentimental ‘memory collector’, I decided to link my blog to it in the form of the amazing lounge we had.

To me, it was a place to drink tea, beer, wine, coffees by Brooke, eat food, share nibbles, junk food when hangover (mainly Chico’s burgers and chips), watch bad TV shows, get hooked on Sherlock, watch kids movies whilst hangover. Entertain family on Christmas visits, pack in as many friends as possible for parties and pre-drinks, catch up with friends and gossip for hours. The list goes on!

And what I am discovering is… you can take this theme anywhere. A lounge is a great place to sit and talk, spend time with people or by yourself.

So hence the name of my blog! I wanted you to all be on my travels with me.

Please enjoy, and the idea of Lise’s Lounge is that it is interactive! Feel free to comment, ask questions for me to elaborate, even email me and you can do a “Guest Lounge” blog!

And I will leave you with the great debate of the Church Street Lounge… purple or BLUE?? I think the latter 😉

Lise xx

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